Graz | Austria
Already for the 9th time, the impuls Festival will offer a rich and versatile daily music and discourse program. Contemporary music, presented in diverse formats and settings also beyond traditional stages (such as MinuteConcerts, staged and installative concerts, or Late Nights) will hereby be brought to various venues in the City of Graz – from small informal locations and galleries (such as kunst.wirt.schaft, Museum der Wahrnehmung, Haus der Architektur a.o.), to esc medien kunst labor and Forum Stadtpark, up to concert halls, such as MUMUTH or Helmut List Halle. Different venues at Kunstuniversität Graz (KUG) will of course play a central role, also for the Academy acitivities.
In February 2025 impuls once more welcomes internationally renowned top formations (amongst others Klangforum Wien, Quatuor Diotima, Trio Accanto, Trio Sun-Weiss-Fussenegger), tutoring, rehearsing, producing and performing on spot. Besides, further young and rising ensembles (amongst others NAMES, Schallfeld Ensemble, Chaos String Quartet, Kandinsky Quartet) as well as individual musicians, electronic performers, vocalists and of course also composers will offer an intense inside view in the richness and diversity of contemporary music by presenting works composed in the 20th and 21st century, amongst them also an impressive number of world and Austrian premieres, and many of them produced specifically for and during impuls. During the first three days of the festival, a special focus is put on the Austrian music scene with a variety of concerts also during the day, while on the following, equally dense festival days, productions by international artists will take over.
On top, lectures, discussions, composers´ talks and other music communication programs enhance the impuls Festival program and the Academy alike. This way new music, be it classical modern or most current one, can be experienced first hand both in theory and practice, discourse and sound.