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impuls . 11th International Ensemble and Composers Academy for Contemporary Music


Graz, February 10th - 22nd, 2019



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Yoga byChristineSchoerkhuber 08
Photo: Christine Schörkhuber


Special Program with

Eva Furrer


Yoga for Musicians and Composers

Eva Furrer, yoga + flute

Lu Jong - Tibetan Healing Yoga

Eva Furrer completed her first certification in yoga instruction in 2006. A second certification followed in 2008, in southern India (Sivananda Ashram, Neyyardam). Shortly after this, she encountered Tulku Lobsang, and subsequently took part in numerous seminars and courses, including: Lu Jong & Kum Nye, Tsa Lung, Tummo & Bliss. Since 2009, Eva has been qualified to teach as an accredited Lu Jong instructor.

Eva Furrer was also undertaking studies in Terlusollogie and completed this education in 2010. She is therefor entiteled to offer exercises and pass on knowledge of Terlusollogie® (bipolare Atemtypenlehre).


For further information on Eva Furrer´s Yoga-class and registration please have a look at Special Programs.



Eva Furrer also teaches flute at the impuls Academy.